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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rihanna Splits with Baseball Beau Matt Kemp

n the midst of all the holiday engagements and births comes one bit of sad news -- Rihanna and her boyfriend of nearly a year, Matt Kemp, have gone their separate ways, according to multiple reports.

The 22-year-old pop star and pro baseball player broke up "over the last few weeks," a source tells UsMagazine, adding that Rihanna "basically was just over it." JustJared and PerezHilton also reported on the split.

The source says Rihanna and Kemp's breakup was due mostly to the singer's "busy" itinerary. "He just can't keep up with her crazy travel schedule," the source says. "Matt's sick of always following her like a puppy dog all over the world. Her wants something more normal."

Rihanna began dating Kemp, a 26-year-old outfielder for the Los Angeles Dodgers, in January while working her 2009 album, "Rated R," and spent the latter half of this year promoting her latest release, "Loud." The coupling was the singer's first since her long-term relationship with Chris Brown, which ended in violence when Rihanna was assaulted by Brown in February of 2009.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Founder of "Playboy" announces his engagement

Hugh Hefner the Playboy magazine founder, who was married twice before , decided to try his luck a third time as announced Hefner (84 years) on Saturday on Twitter
Online sermon and his girlfriend Crystal Harris (24 years
Hefner wrote on Twitter, "when offered the ring for Crystal burst into tears. This is the happiest holiday of the birth in my memory."
And Hefner, who founded the magazine in 1953 divorced his second wife Kimberley Conrad earlier this year. Segth and ended the first Mildred Williams in divorce in 1959.
Harris appeared in Playboy magazine in December, 2009.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

best of ancient egyptian music

Zummara, a double pipe with reeds

In a culture as full of religious rituals as ancient Egypt, music tends to be a significant part of every day life. With countless wall murals showing musicians playing while dancers danced and others stood off and watched. Instruments have been unearthed as well. But, despite knowing how they played, the ancient Egyptian music itself -- the notes, the composition -- is wholly unknown to us.

Ancient Egypt Online Navigation

Percussion instruments were the most common instruments used in ancient Egyptian music, with the simplest being the human hands. Clapping was depicted on many walls as being a large part of most musical performances. Drums were also popular during the Middle Kingdom, and bells were used frequently later, during the Late Period.

Egyptian Music


While most percussion instruments have a very limited pitch range, other types of instruments -- those of the wind and stringed variety -- were used as well. It is believed that the flute may have been invented in ancient Egypt . Other wind instruments included the trumpet, the parallel double-pipes and the divergent double-pipes. These were often made using reeds, until later, when bronze work was more common.

Stringed instruments were also used in ancient Egyptian music, predominantly in the form of harps, lutes, and lyres. The lyres were introduced around 2500 BC in nearby Syria , while the lute was used more widely during the New Kingdom period.

Harps were special instruments in that they were of a much more complex design than other string instruments, and it was also common to deck out a harp with precious materials such as ebony, silver, gold, lapis lazuli, malachite, or anything valuable both monetarily and aesthetically.

As for the ancient Egyptian music itself, there is very little notation from before the time of the Greek invasion. It is believed that some of the music was either spontaneously created, or perhaps singers were able to direct their accompanying music with arm gestures to indicate pitch and tempo. Once the Greeks came along, there is evidence of musical notation on papyrus, though the resulting music and what is on the papyrus itself is Greek, not Egyptian.

During the Old Kingdom, only the male musicians were allowed to play almost any instrument available while the women were given options for the harp and percussion. By the Middle Kingdom, however, ensembles of both genders were common, and during the New Kingdom, it was even common to see female-only musical ensembles at rituals, celebrations, and where ever a song was needed.

Music is generally important in any society, for many reasons, and ancient Egypt is no exception. Whether honoring the gods, mourning the deceased, or celebrating a joyous event, the art of song was one utilized frequently, and most likely will continue to for a very long time.

Monday, May 10, 2010

make free calls online

Do you have a group of co-workers, friends or like-minded people that you'd like to conference with all at two times? If you are not knowledgeable about some new technologies, this could prove a bit cumbersome. Plenty of try to use the two way on their home phone or mobile phone to make this happen. However if you have over a few people that require to brainstorm or talk, this doesn't work. Below are the simple tips & a couple of companies that will let you organize a FREE conference call.
First start by making sure that your conference call attendees have unlimited long distance on either their home phone or mobile phone. Most people have this already & this should not be an issue. However the number that you'll call for the free conference call may not be local to all attendees, so again, make sure all the participants have unlimited long-distance on four of their phones.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

watch ufc 113 online

Some fans are saying it will be a close fight as the same as their first encounter. Well, what would it be?

Tomorrow will be a gigantic night for UFC night as two great fighters will be meeting again in a rematch where the challenger Mauricio ‘Shogun’ Rua will try to settle the score versus Lyoto Machida and see if he could convince UFC world that he deserved the victory on their 2009 fight. If you can recall Machida won in unanimous decision against Shogun which makes the mixed martial arts divided. Now with UFC 113: Machida vs. Shogun 2 on Saturday, May 8, 2010 at the Bell Centre in Montreal, Canada, the two 205-pound superstars will try to prove their worth in UFC.

Here’s the official weigh-in of the light heavy weight championship event

Aside from the two, Josh Koscheck will be fighting against Paul Daley, Sam Stout vs. Jeremy Stephens, Kimbo Slice vs. Matt Mitrione, and Patrick Cote vs. Alan Belcher.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

مشاركه ارباح جوجل ادسنس

نظام مشاركة ارباح جوجل ادسنس
ببساطه هى مواقع بتسمع لاعضائها بأنهم يعرضو اعلانات جوجل ادسنس على الموقع بتاعهم
مثلا انا عندى موقع وعامل نظام مشاركه ارباح جوجل ادسنس بنسبه ميه فى الميه يعنى ايه؟
يعنى انت هتدخل تسجل عندى واى موضوع تكتبه دا لو منتدى او اى ملف هترفعه دا لو مركز تحميل .. هتتعرض اعلانات جوجل ادسنس بتاعتك فى الموضوع او صفحه التحميل بتاعت الملف اللى انت رافعه وهكذا
طيب صاحب الموقع هيستفاد اية :)
اكيد هيستفاد ان فى اعضاء كتير هيجولة يسجلو عنده عشان مشاركه الارباح
طيب المواقع دى زى ايه؟
هقولك بواقع خبرتى اللى مش بسيطه فى الادسنس هقولك هما تلات اماكن اللى تقدر تشارك فيها ارباحك بنسبه ميه فى الميه وكمان المواقع دى الترافيك فيها عالى والزوار بيخشولها كتير وبكدا هتضمن ان اعلاناتك هيشوفها اكبر عدد ممكن
اولا موقع فليكسا بمشاركه ارباح ادسنس بنسبه 100% وهو موقع لعرض صورك وفيديوهات وكتابه مقالات برضه
تانى موقع موسوعه جوجل نول .. او موسوعه المعرفه بس دى محتاجه جهد منك فى التسجيل وتفعيل حسابك فيها
وهى لكتابه المقالات بشتى انواعها زى ويكبيديا كدا
تالت موقع وهو منتدى نجوم اف ام غير الرسميه
وهو منتدى شامل بيتكلم عن كل حاجه ودى ميزه لانك لو متميز فى حاجه هتكتب مواضيع عنها فهتلاقى اكيد مكان
بعد اما تسجل عضوية تدخل علي الملف الشخصى بتاعك وتحط كود التعريف بتاعك فى ادسنس اللى بيبتدى ب
والى اللقاء حتى تظهر مواقع اخرى تستحق الكتابة عنها

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

حقيقه موقع e-castig لربح لاب توب او كاميرا

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
كتير من الناس لاحظتهم مهتمين اوى بتجميع نقاط فى موقع e-castig
والحقيقه المره انا كنت واحد منهم :d
فكره الموقع انك تسجل بأيميلك وتختار جائزتك من الاربعه اللى فى الصوره فوق وكل جايزه او هديه ليها عدد من النقط معين لما تجمعه تكسب الهديه بعد الجوله ماتخلص والجوله غالبا مدتها شهر ولما تسجل بتاخد لينك لما حد يدخله بس بيتحسبلك نقطه ... جميل .. طيب هل هو موقع ذو مصداقيه .. محدش يعرف
بس هنعرف مع بعض دلوقتى يعنى انا طبعا طلبت جائرتى تبقى لاب توب ودى كان مطلوب فيها 3000 نقطه انا جمعت منهم 4000 يعنى داخل بزياده كمان :)
طيب هل كسبت؟ بالتأكيد لا
طيب دلوقتى حد هيسئل ويقول انا دخلت الموقع ولقيت فيه winners واسامى مكتوبه
يبقى له مصداقيه اهو
طيب ركز معايا عشان هنثبت العكس
دلوقتى انت سمعت عن الموقع دا قبل كدا ولا لسه جديد على ودنك اكيد لسه جديد على ودنك لانه مبقالوش شهرين او تلاته بالكتير
طيب ثانيا انت لما جيت سجلت هل بعتولك تفعيل على الايميل او تأكيد او اى حاجه
اكيد لا . طيب ثانيا هل الموقع معروف عنه اى حاجه ولا مجهول ؟
اكيد مجهول والاكيد ان بدايته زى بدايه كل شركات النصب
طيب فى حاجه مهمه جدا فى الشركات الربحيه ان بيبقى ليها منتدى
ودى خاصيه مش موجوده فى الموقع دا
طيب والاسامى دى؟ جت منين ؟؟ هقولك اسامى راندوم يعنى عشوائيه او بمعنى اصح متألفه من دماغهم عشان اللى زينا يدخل ويشوف الاسامى يقول الله دا فى ناس بتكسب اهى اما اخش واكسب انا كمان
مش مصدق لسه؟
طيب ادخل على جروبات الفيس بوك او اعمل سيرش على جوجل وهاتلى واحد بس كسب
اظن النقطه وصلت
الى اللقاء فى نصبات اخرى

Monday, April 26, 2010

Icland Volcano.when will it stop?

Iceland volcano could affect northern Europe, which made "no-fly zone" on international flights for several months, which raises two important questions .. How long will the eruption Will the launch of clouds of dust?

What caused the problem?

Eruption from the volcano below the Aiyolayukol - ten times stronger than a revolution in the area close to last month - starting in the clouds of dust and caused serious flooding behind significant damage and displacing hundreds of people.

Then spread the ash cloud in the direction of the south-west towards Europe at an altitude of 18 km above sea level, prompting authorities to halt traffic across the region.

How long will the problem?

Civil aviation authorities said in Britain that the airspace of the United Kingdom will be closed until 0600 GMT on Friday, at least while continuing to meteorological authorities across Europe in the control of the cloud.

And to predict the duration of the eruption and the cloud is difficult. But the revolution precedent that lasted more than 12 months. And many of it depends on whether the volcano will continue to release dust and whether the wind will continue to push this dust to Europe.

Said Professor Bill McGuire from the Center for hazardous materials in ion Banfield "I expect to continue the closure for two days ... but if it continues to dust emission can be seen volatile (in flight) over the next six months or so."

Most experts say that the most likely scenario is that the varying strength of the eruption, causing threats from time to time to air traffic in Europe.

Said Matthew Watson, a lecturer in the field of natural hazards, geophysical, University of Bristol, "What happened at night is that the volcano exploded in a more violent and dust was very high altitudes."

"If returned to what happened before - and I do not have a magic crystal ball to predict - then it will have to wait until the airspace is clear."

In 1783 launched a volcanic eruption of Laki in Iceland a cloud of dust and sulfur gases across Europe, most days of the summer of that year until 1784, causing the temperature rise during the summer, air pollution, which increased the rate of mortality in several countries. It is not anticipated at this stage due to the eruption, the current starting sulfurous gases are similar, so the effects will be less.

It will also depend on whether the current revolution will lead to the eruption of erosion near. In the case of the effects will be greater.

What are the implications of the eruption?

Iceland site means that the volcanic eruption that could lead to turmoil in the broader international flights to the detriment of the aviation industry after only a few days of the statement of the International Organization of Civil Aviation airlines are slowly recovering from the effects of a global recession.

John Strajkland Director (J.. Of. Feed. Consulting) Consulting, air transport, "Iceland is located on one of the main corridors between Europe and the United States ... and depending on weather conditions that could affect dust also flights from Europe to Asia. There is therefore a two-way international great to be affected by this. "

"Even if it looks like the skies over northern Europe, a net can occur disruption to other flights or are forced to take some longer routes, which increases the cost or require landing because they can not do a direct flight."

And the closure of airspace on this scale is relatively unprecedented. In the short term will result in financial losses and increased costs for airlines are difficult to quantify accurately.

The company said that British Airways pilots strike for seven days in March - which caused the cancellation of 20 percent of long-haul flights and 40 percent of its short-haul, less than caused by the volcanic cloud - cost her about ten million dollars a day.

And estimates the travel agencies and Tourism British cloud affecting the travel plans of about 200 thousand British daily.

A spokesman for the British Ministry of Defense said the flights were affected and to Afghanistan for special flights to bring the troops or evacuate the wounded had turned to other countries if necessary. The spokesman said the helicopters for search and rescue flying at low level without the cloud.

And caused volcanic eruptions like Mount Pinatubo earlier the Philippines in 1991 and Mount Cicon Mexico in 1982 to launch a lot of dust into the atmosphere which led to a reduction in the temperature of the planet for several months. But scientists say that this revolution is very small so it could not have a global impact.

Said Hans-Olaf Hegin Climate Research Norwegian Meteorological Institute, "This (the volcano) is not such as Pinatubo. So far, its size is not large enough to make a global impact."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

الفوركس؟ ماهو ؟ ونصائح لدخول عالم الفوركس

تعبت من قعده النت من غير فائده؟؟؟
مقضى اليوم كله فى الشات وعلى الفيس بوك وفى الاخر مكسبتش منه ولا نكله؟
زهقت من البطاله والقعده من غير مليم فى جيبك؟
عايز تبقى غنى فحت؟
نفسك يبقى معاك دولارات بالهببولى ؟
سمعت كتير عن الفوركس بس متعرفش ايه هوا؟
طيب خليك معايا واحده واحده وهتفهم كل حاجه ان شاء الله

مبدئيا كدا عشان تبقى عارف معنى كلمه فوركس او التجاره بالذهب
الفوركس ياسيدى هو سوق نقدى لا يتوقف ويتم فيه المتاجره بالعملات العالميه وعاده بيكون من خلال السماسره .. نظام بيع واشترى العملات الاجنبيه فى وقت واحد فى السوق المحلى او العالمى واستثمارات التجار بتزيد او تقل حسب تحركات العمله و قد تختلف أحوال سوق الصرف تتغير في أي وقت في الاستجابة إلى الأحداث في الوقت الحقيقي

طبعا مفهمتش حاجه
مش مشكله
خليك معايا فى اللى جاى فى شويه نصايح غاليه اوى فى سوق الفوركس بس هتفيدك فى خلال تجربتك مع الفوركس
1: سوق الفوركس فى بدايته محتاج منك جهد ووقت كبير عشان تاخد خبره وتتعلم وتمارس وتتابع السوق
1: فى سوق الفوركس ممكن تحقق ارباح كبيره جدا متتوقعهاش وصعب انك تحققها فى اى مجال تانى بس الكلام دا فى حاله انك التزمت بقواعد السوق وفهمته كويس ودخلت دماغه وعرفت تتعامل معاه
بس فى نفس الوقت فى نسبه مخاطره لو ملتزمتش بالقواعد بتاعت السوق او معرفتش تحلل السوق كويس او معرفتش تدير الحساب بتاعك بالكفاءه المطلوبه كل دا هيؤدى الى الخساره
3: طيب انت دلوقتى قريت النقطه رقم اتنين فقلقت شويه . لا هقولك ان فى ميزه انك ممكن تتدرب على حساب تجريبى او وهمى (demo ( يعنى حساب برصيد وهمى وهو حساب زى اللى فى الحقيقه بالضبط بس طبعا بدون ارباح فى العالم الحقيقى الهدف منه هو التدرب على السوق واستخدام برامج التداول وطرق التداول فى السوق عشان تعرف اهل انت فعلا تقدر تدخل السوق؟ ولا لسه لازملك شويه تدريب
4: اهم ميزه انك ممكن تفتح حساب ب 250 دولار فقط يعنى ممكن اى حد يدخل السوق بكل بساطه وسهوله وسبب وجود الميزه دى هو ان السوق بيعتمد فى التداول على نظام الهامش يعنى تقدر تتاجر بأضعاف راس المال اللى انت فتحته والحساب دا لو محققش ارباح كبيره فهو هيبقى او يعتبر مرحله من مراحل التدريب على العمل على الحسابات الحقيقيه
5: سوق الفوركس محتاج وخصوصا فى بدايته الصبر وعدم الاستعجال خلال المده اللى هتتدرب فيها على الحساب التجريبى وتطبق اللى انت اتعلمته على الشارت اللى هو الرسم البيانى ويفضل انك تفضل تتدرب على الحساب التجريبى مده لا تقل عن ست شهور ومتدخلش كمان عالم الفوركس الا اما تحقق ارباح على الحساب التجريبى
6: اهم شىء ان حسابك يكون مع شركه عالميه ومعروفه وتكون خدمتها جيده بالاضافه للتكلفه القليله
7: اهم حاجه نفسيتك فى التعامل مع السوق . يعنى ماتكونش لا خواف اوى ولا طماع اوى لان الخوف ممكن يخليك تنسحب من صفقات عشان بس انت خايف انك تخسر على عكس ناس تانيه ممكن تدخل فى صفقات هيا مش قدها عشان تعظم الربح بتاعها وتطمع يعنى وفى الاخر بتنزل على مفيش او يخليه يدخل فى صفقات كتيره عشان يحقق اعلى ربح فى اقل وقت وبالتالى هيبقى زى اللى طارد اكثر من عصفور فى نفس الوقت
8:اداره راس المال مهمه جدا لانك لو فشلت فى اداره راس المال هتؤدى بيك الى خسائر كبيره اما الاداره الجيده هتؤدى الى زياده الارباح والحفاظ عليها يعنى ممكن اتنين يدخلو نفس الصفقه بنفس الاستراتيجيه بس واحد يكسب والتانى يخسر عشان فى واحد عنده استراتيجيه كويسه فى اداره راس المال والتانى لآ
10: مرارا وتكرارا لازم الحساب التجريبى تجرب عليه كل استراتيجياتك قبل ماتدخل فى العالم الحقيقى وبرضه لما تدخل العالم الحقيقى برضه لازم الحساب التجريبى

بكدا خلصنا تعريف الفوركس وشويه نصايح
نلتقى قريبا فى الشغل التقيل بقى

The Circular Flow Of Income and product

Microeconomics VS. Macroeconomics
Economic analysis is divided into two main branches . microeconomics and macroeconomics:

Microeconomics is a branch of economic analysis that concentrated on the choices made by individual participants in the economy such as consumers , workers m business managers and investor.

Macroeconomics is a branch of economic analysis that concentrated with the functioning of an economy as a complete system rather than with the detailed processes which take place within it. Also , it considers the overall performance of the economy and the ways various sectors of the economy relate to one another . In macroeconomics , we gauge the performance of the economy by the total value of annual production , the capacity of the economy to provide jobs , the changes in the purchasing power of money , and the growth of employment and national output.

To Be continued ,,,,,

Monday, April 19, 2010

What is economics is

It's not easy to define economics at the beginnings . we can have a clear and complete picture about the subject when it is completely analysed. However, beginners often want a short definition of economics . In response to this demand, here are a few definition.

(1) Economics is the study of how people make their living , how they acquire the food,shelter, clothing , and other material necessities and comfort of world . It is a study of the problem they encounter , and of the ways in which these problems can be reduced .

(2) Economics is the study of how people choose to use scarce or limited productive resources to produce various commodities and distribute them to various members of society for their consumption.

(3) Economics is the study of these activities which involve exchange transaction among people.

(4) Economics is the study of the allocation of scare resources among altrenative end uses.

(5) Economics is the study of the ways in which a society makes choices .

(6) Economics is what economists do.

In fact economics certainly does involve all the elements in these various definitions Like the following,,,
'' Economics is the study of how individual and society end up choosing , with or without the use of money , to employ scarce productive resources , Which could have alternative uses , to produce various commodities and distribute them for consumption , now or in the future , among various people and group in society.

Economics and the Economic problem

This introductory is intended as a low-key introduction to the philosophy behind the study of economics . It starts with an attempt to define the subject then move on to examine the economic problem which is considered the basic of economic science.
To Be continued...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The degrees of the elasticity

we know tat the elasticity falls as we move don the demand curve, the demand elasticity of -1 can be used as an important diving line.Accordingly m demand is elastic if the price elasticity in more negative than -1.
Demand inelastic if the price elasticity lines between -1 and 0.
If the price elasticity is exactly -1, the demand in unit elastic.
In fact,,,
the elasticity equation is further illustrated by five demand curves which distinguish the various degrees of elasticity .

1.The elasticity of the completely vertical demand curve (a) is zero because the quantities demanded is completely uneffected by price.
2.the elasticity of the completely horizontal demand curve (e)is infinitely large because even the smallest sdrop in price would result in an unlimited increase in sales.
3. In the intermediate case (c) , quantity increases at the same rate as price falls , and the elasticity is -1 .
4.the flatter the curve , the more elastic it is.
Also m if two demand curves pass through the same point,the flatter one is the more elastic .
Thus , the demand curve (d) is more elastic then the demand curve (b).

The effect of the price and income on demand quantites

ih this article we develop a theory of demand in order to introduce the concept of the price elasticity of demand, a measure of the sensitivity of the quantity demanded to the price .

The Price elasticity of demand is a key piece of information to many economic problems suck as the pricing decisions ,Such as a decision is very important if the sole aim of the firm is to maximize the revenue from the sale of its product

The knowledge of making goods

In fact , the quantites of goods people are able to produce depend not only on the quantities of resources they hace and put to use,but also on their technology ,the set of known nethods of production available on them,this knowledge of possible methods of production sets limits on the quantity of goods that can be set produced per unit pf resources .During the Past ventury,people have discoverd fertilizers,hormones and height-Yeild crops and have used these discoveries along with the agricultural mechanziation , to raise incridibly the Yield per acre of land

Friday, April 16, 2010

usage and economic of Algae .. Part 2

protein quality estimated by net protein utilization (NPU)
(Npu) both digestibility , biological value of protein , once absorbed.
complete utilized food with ideal amino acid pattern (NPU) = 100
NPU for spirulina =46-63% (depending on algal source , experimental conditions.
spirulina proteins compared with best plant source soybear), while animal protein exceed spirulina protein

to be continued...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

usage and economic of Algae

intended learning outcomes ...
algae as human food or food supplements.. and algae is animal food and have medical uses .it's lipids from microalgae ..
diatomaceous earth.
it's has commercial application of algal hudrocolloids..
algae amd agriculture
Nitrogen fixation
microalgal soil comditioers
PGR from algae
the role of microalgae in liquid waste treatment and reclamation

and now let's see these poitns

Algae as human food or food suplements

1.microlage are rich in protein and contains more than adequare amounts of L-amino acids
2.algae contain polyunsartuted fatty acides which are essential for human nutrition
3.higher plant foods are usually very low in riboflavin and nicotinate and clbalamin..these vitamins and mineral requirements may be satisfied by the addition of microlage to human food
4.algae grown in seawater contain high iodine essential for humans
5.Hypocholestermic and anticarcinogenic properties attributed to micro , macrolagae
6.Algae serve as some cemicals used i food industry ' amino acids,vitamins,lipids,food cplpuring or antioxidants, flavouring , tickening , clarifying agents..

To be continued ...

A uniform accounting system

Known as a uniform accounting system that (is a set of arrangements for recording of accounting data at the level of economic integration, and the preparation of lists and final accounts and budgets of planning within the framework of specific principles and rules and terms and definitions, and to serve specific goals)
And clear parts of the definition of the following....
focus in this
first is
Accounting system (the system) or (plan) scientific sense of the term, because it is in groups of arrangements
and second is...
That describe the system (accounting), because these (arrangements) dealing with financial accounting and cost accounting and management accounting...

In terms of financial calculators, covered by the terms of the directory of accounting and principles and the rules and terminology and definitions as well as accounting and accounts and final lists, which were consolidated at the level of economic units
As for cost accounting, dealt with the accounting system in terms of fundamentals and the rules and terms and definitions, and as a first step to explore the possibility of unifying the cost accounting systems at the sector level quality.
In addition, it deals with the accounting system and the foundations of the rules of the necessary oversight of management accounting

Description of the accounting system as a (uniform), because it deals with areas of consolidation following:
Standardization of accounting manual

Consolidation of the foundations and rules and accounting terms and definitions
Consolidation of accounts and the final lists and set up the foundations
Harmonization of forms for planning budgets and preparing the foundations
Consolidation of the financial year

Top scorer in the system:
Taken into account when preparing the rules Mahaspean achieve targets, you can highlight the most important are as follows:
Provide basic data and analytical tools for planning and implementation and control at various levels: taken into account when preparing this system to provide the accounting data, menus, and the final accounts and budget planning in the template, which serves the purposes of planning and what to Her take decisions and policy-making, and supervision and follow-up implementation, and evaluation of performance, and the level of the unit, and external devices, whether planning or oversight.
Accounts linked to economic unity, national accounts: The accounts of economic unity, one of the fundamental building blocks used by the national accountant in the installation of the national accounts, and required the development of national accounting to achieve a development agreement between the accountant and the accountant economic unity on the foundations and national rules and terminology and how to analyze and disaggregation of data and preparation of accounting statements and final accounts. Which facilitates the process of gathering accounting data from the unit level to the level of national accounts.

Tips important deal in the stock market

never doesn't retain the shares price drop just to get the divdend
human nature .... is always at odds with the investor successful
companies that buy back shares from the market.... but there's a possitive impact
and be careful of companies that held it's general assembly at inappropiate times and in places far away .... and also companies that achieve the highest annual growth rate of 50%, will not be able to keep it forever...most investors are not learning from their mistakes the past

it's better to pay a fair price for the shares good company rather than a cheap rate in Tddf shares lost...
you can even create wealth over the long term were well known investor and do not rackets.
thumper when you can just the possibility of loss
capital markets always reverse
the stock market two-way street
low inflation, low interest rate, resulting in them a strong capital market.
you can not control the market, but you can control your reaction towards him.
When the unemployment rate bought the shares, and sell it when it drops.
eye always on the company and not the arrow.
The time the most important tools a Successful Investor.
If earned money, you the investor, if you'll lose money rackets.
market down about 50% and climb some 50% market is bearish about 25%.
emerging market does not have the resistance .. And the market does not have a bearish support.
Successful investors have the courage to buy when others sell, and sell when others buy.
When debugging, the direction of the market to fall much more than the direction of the rise.
Do not buy a stock just because the price is low does not sell just because the price is high.
small-cap stocks are moving faster than the shares of companies large companies up and down.
When three or more of the company's employees to buy shares from the market Vatbahm.
When you bought the rumor and sell when you see the news.
The time friend share an enemy of the bond.
Do not buy shares does not rise with rising market.
Stay with the trend and not against it.
emerging market does not have a point of resistance, and the market does not have a bearish point of support.
sell when others buy and buy when others sell.
When you hear that everyone buying a particular share, remember that there are others who sell as well.
You must be a list of your expectations on the basis of reality.
Do not let your emotions control your mind.
Put your goals in mind always that your eyes.
Do not rush behind the market rumors or tips that do not understand.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Marketing Definition And Tips تعريف السوق ونصائح مهمه

عناصر البيع الخمسة شرحها وتبسيطها
لاى عمليه بيع فى اى مكان يجب ان يتوافر فيها خمس شروط حتى تكون عمليه بيع مكتمله
والخمسه دول عباره عن منتج عايزينه يتباع
وسعر معروض للى هيشتريه
ومكان هبيع فيه المنتج
وترويج للمنتج ودعايه واعلان له
والعنصر الخامس هو الجمهور اللى هيطلب السلعه
دول كانو الخمس عناصر
طيب نيجى لنقطه تانيه مهمه
الزبون اللى قدامك
لازم تفهم دماغه وتدخلها لان الزبون هو اهم عنصر فى العناصر الخمسه دى كلها لان هو اللى هيقرر سعر البيع وهو اللى هيدفع
وهتاخد رأيه فى المنتج ولو فى تعديلات عايز تضيفها لازم تضيفها عشان هو اللى هيشترى
طيب دلوقتى فى سؤال مهم
ازاى يبقى المنتج مناسب؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
الاول المنتج هو مجموعه من الفوائد او الخصائص او النفع اللى الزبون عايزه
طيب اهم حاجه فى التسويق ان تتمكن من اغراء الزبون بالسلعه بتاعتك من مزايا وخواص الخ الخ
مثل التعليب الجيد او اى شىء يجعل المنتج مميز

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Seven skills for the teacher

First: The skill of mental preparation
They create the minds of students to accept the lesson, the twists and turns, where the teacher to attract the attention of students to the lesson by offering exciting educational tools, or offering examples from the environment surrounding the students.
Second: skill diversification of stimuli
Is the lack of consistency on the one thing that would help to think and generate enthusiasm 0 Palmthirat and diversification is an important skill in
0 The use of the delivery of information the teacher in every moment of the lesson is a skill increase in academic achievement of students while maintaining student interest in the subject and learning is achieved through the diversification of the following stimuli:
Gestures: gestures and intended movement of the head and hands and body expressions of approval or vice versa 0
Move in the classroom 0 * Use verbal expressions 0
Silence: and is intended to silence that permeates the teacher to view a particular topic diversification senses * 0 0
Practices boring: * Monotone * 0 0 stand firm
III: skilled use of teaching aids
When you view a learning tool for students must be aware of the teacher the purpose of this method and their suitability for the students and how to use, and should the teacher to make students discover gradually the objectives of the lesson through this medium, and the modern education of practice perception among students because of which he remains the impact of learning.
IV: Implications for motivation to learn
Intended to provoke the desire of students in learning and motivate him.
Benefits: * make them accept pupils learning 0 * reduce the feelings of frustration and denominations 0
Increase the feelings of enthusiasm and their integration in the positions of learning 0
Strategies to raise student motivation for learning:
Diversification of the teaching strategy 0 * linked lives of students by subjects 0
Raise questions that require thinking with the promotion of answers students.
Linked to the objectives of the lesson needs mental and precious and social learner 0
Diversification Palmthirat 0
Participation of students in the planning of their teaching 0
Exploiting the basic needs when the learner and help him achieve the same 0
Provide students with the results of their work upon its completion 0
Preparation of lessons, preparation and planning appropriately 0
A sense of the feelings of students and their Panevalathm and problems and help them address and trained to absorb 0
Fifth: The skill and clarity of explanation and interpretation
Being in possession of the teacher language abilities and mental can, to deliver his explanation of the students at ease, and includes the use of a variety of phrases and appropriate to the mental abilities of students.
VI: Skills enhancement
Concept is the following: * Description of the reward given to an individual in response to specific requirements 0
Or whatever strengthens the response and increase replication.
Or strengthen the learning coupled with satisfactory results and weaken the sense of learning coupled with unpleasant 0
Types of consolidation:
Vary from one person and a teacher depends on God and on his experience to know the students and the validity of methods of strengthening the
Used with 0
Positive reinforcement (verbal) as the (well done - yes, complete - Good) for the correct answer 0
Positive reinforcement (non-verbal (k) smile - nods - the reference by hand or finger ..)
Positive reinforcement (micro) Strengthening parts acceptable answer the student 0
Strengthening of late (delayed) if the teacher says to a student Do you remember a while ago told us 00 answers 000
Negative reinforcement: Turn off the punishment if he performed the desired behavior properly * ignored and the complete neglect of student behavior
Promotion and shy students:
Shy students who do not participate in class discussions but rarely the teacher can solve this problem by gradually
Incorporated into classroom activities, for example, 0: * assigned to answer the question rather plain 0
Smile or shake of the head teacher if he notices one of those listening to him or pay attention to what is going on in class 0
VII: Skills questions and receive the teacher to student questions
- Are questions that continue to classroom tool by students and teachers 0 - represents the class questions and discussion between the mediator:
The students themselves * * * Students and teacher students and provides them with expertise and educational materials 0
Student participation and interaction in class: Depending on the quality of questions and good drafting 0
The interaction between the teacher and students is very important during a meeting with the teacher to question students in a polite way and encouraging, using phrases reinforcement such as "Well done" or "God bless you", because encouraging more motivation to learn, and when the student answers the wrong answer is not Izjrh teacher and embarrass him in front of his students , but tell him the answer and give him the motivation to answer again

teaching advices

And is the most important methods of keeping the system that can be used by the teacher. That is a major keen on educators and teachers in dealing with the behavior of the student chapter of the unwanted encourage good behavior, prompted by the conscience, not external authority. This means the exercise of self-discipline. And can the development of this self-discipline of students in different ways the most important method cognitive rationality that show the student that his behavior is not consistent with the rules in the chapter, which must be observed and followed. As shown in his results and the negative effects of misconduct for him and to his colleagues in the classroom. There are sentimental way, which is based on the student and the passion to address the trend of raising the fear of his set if he breaks and subjected to punishment. Can be used in the religious teachings and values that appeal to the conscience of the mhknt of God who sees his work in secret and in public. And can take the lessons of religious education in school to teach children to self-discipline from a young And does not human the important role of the family in it. The Council could play parents and school teachers play a positive role. There is a third way to develop self-discipline of pupils allowed to derive from the assets of Psychology in the formation of habit behavior. It is known that usually consists of a repeat of the exercise behavior regularly. This requires the strengthening of behavior by reward to ensure repeat in order to form the habit. When the usually composed by the individual exercising without strengthening. But may occur due to lack of promotion usually returned back to normal first. It helps to prove the moral habit be proved, for him to be on the good creation. And is configured to follow the method in practice develop the habit of self-discipline of the student in the same way as we usually configure it in advance, which are mainly to promote the desired behavior every time the students practiced with constant repetition

The Present Continuous

يستخدم هذا الزمن للتعبير عن فعل يحدث الان ولا يزال مستمر ولم ينتهي , حيث يتم نشئه هذا الزمن من ( فعل يضاف له فيرب تو بى بالبلدى يعنى be + ing) حيث ان ( be ) يصرف في الزمن المضارع حسب الفاعل الذي يسبقهُ (راجع فعل الكينونه be)

(ing) بـ ( اسم الفاعل presnet participle ) مع هذا الزمن مثل now , today وهذه مجموعة من

I’m reading a poem right now.

ahmed is writing to his girlfriend now.

enas is taking a shower at the moment.

She is playing very well today.
mohamed is laying the table.

Be quite! I’m trying to concentrate.

يستخدم المضارع المستمر للتعبير عن حالة مؤقتة مثل ...

Look! It’s snowing!

The children are sleeping soundly now.

They are living in a rented house.

يستخدم المضارع المستمر للتركيز على مايجري الان , لاحظ الفرق بين المضارع البسيط والمستمر من خلال الامثلة التالية ...

She’s living with her mother. (at the moment)

She lives with her mother. (permanently)

يستخدم زمن المضارع المستمر للتعبير عن عادة مؤقتة مثل

I’m playing golf regularly these days.

She’s not working at the moment.

He’s walking to work while his car is being repaired.

وكذلك يُستعمل هذا الزمن للتعبير عن حدث سيحصل في المستقبل , وعادة ما يذكر معه ظرف يدل على المستقبل , كما في الامثلة التالية ...

What are you doing tomorrow evening?

We’re getting married next week.

She’s coming next Thursday.

I’m leaving tomorrow.

تستعمل بعض الظروف مثل ( always ) وغيرها مع المضارع المستمر للتأكيد على استمراربة الحدث , مثل ...

Those children are always getting into trouble.

وهنالك بعض الافعال التي لا تقبل صيغةing بمعنى لاتستخدم في هذا الزمن واذا اردنا استعمالها فتأتي بصيغة المضارع البسيط وهي كالتالي ...











يعتمد على

depend on

























يناسب يلائم
















كما في الامثلة التالية ...

His family owns several factories.

Some people don’t like cats at all.

I like it here.

They seem to think that they own this place.

The Way To Acquire Trading Skills

If you ask trading experts, they can depict features of the ideal trader as follows: intuitive, but possessing logical and objective way of thinking; spontaneous, but disciplined at the same time; self-confident and always ready to accept criticism. Probably, some people are born traders if they possess these qualities by nature.

Do you believe that traders are born possessing these skills? Or do you consider that the most people may learn how to trade accurately, if spent enough time and efforts? Either born traders exist or not, your considerations on that issue may vary depending on how you approach to studying of trading and how much you are tolerant to trading defeats.

Psychologist Carol Dweck has carried out some researches showing that our assumptions about certain ability, for example, concerning trading skills, highly influence our interpretation of events and reaction to them. Some people consider abilities as a firm reality whereas others are convinced that abilities can be developed. The person who believes that children are born with trading abilities joins the first group. Such belief involves essential consequences. If someone is convinced that he has inherited trading abilities, he definitely aims at high results. This phenomenon takes place subconsciously, at the back of one's mind. People who believe that they are naturally inclined for trading, try to get benefit out of their talent. Such way of thinking is fruitful bringing desired results, especially when each next financial operation brings more profit (a common situation for the bullish market of the 90-ths).

Expectations are confirmed until traders start making losses. Many traders described the way they had treated trading while earning high profits in times of the bullish market. They thought they were unable to commit a mistake aspiring that they had inherited these skills. But unfortunately the market conditions have changed failing to provide traders with constant gains. When it happened, results of trading did not match expectations and the myth of born trader got dispelled. People started thinking something like: “It looks like I possess no particular talent, I`d rather stop trading.”

Taking into account these considerations, it is advised to treat these skills as something that may be acquired and learnt. In other words it is better to consider that trading skills are not inborn. When we consider trade as a discipline which can be trained through practice and efforts, failures look like an objective feedback, but not like a level of the natural ability to trade. Such people do not care about the necessity of extremely high productivity, they are concentrated on the process of developing their skills. In spite of all difficulties they go on advancing. They believe that finally they will master trading techniques to a high level by means of concentrating on the process of studying trading and accumulating experience. However, Forex education is allways needed.

Whether born traders exist or not is an arguable issue. However, it is recommended to think that if you work hard accepting and taking into account your mistakes you will get better results. Believing that you are capable to master trading through practice and experience you will show high degree of persistence even when you face defeats. And in the end you will elaborate your skills of profitable trading.


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