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Monday, April 26, 2010

Icland Volcano.when will it stop?

Iceland volcano could affect northern Europe, which made "no-fly zone" on international flights for several months, which raises two important questions .. How long will the eruption Will the launch of clouds of dust?

What caused the problem?

Eruption from the volcano below the Aiyolayukol - ten times stronger than a revolution in the area close to last month - starting in the clouds of dust and caused serious flooding behind significant damage and displacing hundreds of people.

Then spread the ash cloud in the direction of the south-west towards Europe at an altitude of 18 km above sea level, prompting authorities to halt traffic across the region.

How long will the problem?

Civil aviation authorities said in Britain that the airspace of the United Kingdom will be closed until 0600 GMT on Friday, at least while continuing to meteorological authorities across Europe in the control of the cloud.

And to predict the duration of the eruption and the cloud is difficult. But the revolution precedent that lasted more than 12 months. And many of it depends on whether the volcano will continue to release dust and whether the wind will continue to push this dust to Europe.

Said Professor Bill McGuire from the Center for hazardous materials in ion Banfield "I expect to continue the closure for two days ... but if it continues to dust emission can be seen volatile (in flight) over the next six months or so."

Most experts say that the most likely scenario is that the varying strength of the eruption, causing threats from time to time to air traffic in Europe.

Said Matthew Watson, a lecturer in the field of natural hazards, geophysical, University of Bristol, "What happened at night is that the volcano exploded in a more violent and dust was very high altitudes."

"If returned to what happened before - and I do not have a magic crystal ball to predict - then it will have to wait until the airspace is clear."

In 1783 launched a volcanic eruption of Laki in Iceland a cloud of dust and sulfur gases across Europe, most days of the summer of that year until 1784, causing the temperature rise during the summer, air pollution, which increased the rate of mortality in several countries. It is not anticipated at this stage due to the eruption, the current starting sulfurous gases are similar, so the effects will be less.

It will also depend on whether the current revolution will lead to the eruption of erosion near. In the case of the effects will be greater.

What are the implications of the eruption?

Iceland site means that the volcanic eruption that could lead to turmoil in the broader international flights to the detriment of the aviation industry after only a few days of the statement of the International Organization of Civil Aviation airlines are slowly recovering from the effects of a global recession.

John Strajkland Director (J.. Of. Feed. Consulting) Consulting, air transport, "Iceland is located on one of the main corridors between Europe and the United States ... and depending on weather conditions that could affect dust also flights from Europe to Asia. There is therefore a two-way international great to be affected by this. "

"Even if it looks like the skies over northern Europe, a net can occur disruption to other flights or are forced to take some longer routes, which increases the cost or require landing because they can not do a direct flight."

And the closure of airspace on this scale is relatively unprecedented. In the short term will result in financial losses and increased costs for airlines are difficult to quantify accurately.

The company said that British Airways pilots strike for seven days in March - which caused the cancellation of 20 percent of long-haul flights and 40 percent of its short-haul, less than caused by the volcanic cloud - cost her about ten million dollars a day.

And estimates the travel agencies and Tourism British cloud affecting the travel plans of about 200 thousand British daily.

A spokesman for the British Ministry of Defense said the flights were affected and to Afghanistan for special flights to bring the troops or evacuate the wounded had turned to other countries if necessary. The spokesman said the helicopters for search and rescue flying at low level without the cloud.

And caused volcanic eruptions like Mount Pinatubo earlier the Philippines in 1991 and Mount Cicon Mexico in 1982 to launch a lot of dust into the atmosphere which led to a reduction in the temperature of the planet for several months. But scientists say that this revolution is very small so it could not have a global impact.

Said Hans-Olaf Hegin Climate Research Norwegian Meteorological Institute, "This (the volcano) is not such as Pinatubo. So far, its size is not large enough to make a global impact."

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