algae as human food or food supplements.. and algae is animal food and have medical uses .it's lipids from microalgae ..
diatomaceous earth.
it's has commercial application of algal hudrocolloids..
algae amd agriculture
Nitrogen fixation
microalgal soil comditioers
PGR from algae
the role of microalgae in liquid waste treatment and reclamation
and now let's see these poitns
Algae as human food or food suplements
1.microlage are rich in protein and contains more than adequare amounts of L-amino acids
2.algae contain polyunsartuted fatty acides which are essential for human nutrition
3.higher plant foods are usually very low in riboflavin and nicotinate and clbalamin..these vitamins and mineral requirements may be satisfied by the addition of microlage to human food
4.algae grown in seawater contain high iodine essential for humans
5.Hypocholestermic and anticarcinogenic properties attributed to micro , macrolagae
6.Algae serve as some cemicals used i food industry ' amino acids,vitamins,lipids,food cplpuring or antioxidants, flavouring , tickening , clarifying agents..
To be continued ...
wait for the second part.